Bunge Limited
Palm oil

Bunge Limited



Established in 1818, Bunge is a global agribusiness that operates downstream in the palm oil supply chain. The company is a leading oilseed processor, employing around 32,000 people worldwide. It is also involved in post-refinery palm oil processing (as well as other edible oils), trading in refined products and consumer goods manufacturing.

RSPO Member : Yes RSPO Member : Yes

Environmental, Social, Governance Rating (SPOTT)


Source: Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) rating from SPOTT - Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit.
Bunge Limited map

Market cap


Million US$



(Bunge does not operate plantations)

Supply chain position


Processor and trader of crude palm oil and palm kernel oil | Refiner | Trader and manufacturer of consumer goods, oleochemicals and biofuels

Refineries / capacity


refineries, in Netherlands (Rotterdam and Wormeveer), Canada (Ontario), Malaysia (Johor), USA (Illinois)

NDPE Policy


No Deforestation, No peat, No exploitation

Market served


Parent Company



Bunge Agritrade, S.A. Bunge Alimentos, S.A Bunge Asia Pte. Ltd., Bunge Canada, Bunge CIS LLC, Bunge Finland, Bunge India, Private Limited Bunge Lipid Enzymtec Sdn., Bhd Bunge Loders Croklaan (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. Bunge Loders Croklaan, Bunge Loders Croklaan Oils, Bunge Loders Croklaan Oils Sdn. Bhd, Bunge Loders Croklaan USA B.V., Bunge North America Inc., Walter Rau Lebensmittelwerke GmbH Walter Rau Neusser Ol und Fett AG Westfalische Lebensmittelwerke Lindemann GmbH Co. KG Zaklady Tluszczowe, KRUSZWICA S.A.


Cooking oils, bakery fats, Vanaspati (in India), hydrogenated cooking oils, animal protein feed and edible oils for commercial use. Bunge is also a producer of biofuels.


Farm land grab
Indonesia palm oil traders are failing land and environmental defenders
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Business Times
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